Friday, February 22, 2013

"What Grade Do You Think You Deserve?"

I think I deserve an 'A' in this class (and I did according to the progress report, thanks Mr B!) I make sure I log on to 'Synchron-eyes' before you finish taking attendance!  I've turned in every assignment in so far, despite some of them being late or partially done. I am productive in class, I avidly use Photoshop to work on projects. The projects that I work on are well done and creative, it's obvious that I put some effort into it rather than just shopping people's faces on things. When I'm not on the computer, I'm taking pictures with Kayla, Dylan, and Adrian. And when we go out and take pictures we actually go out and take pictures and not bother other classes or mess around or ditch. Adrian for some reason had an 'F' in this class, so we're doing our best to help him get caught up by making sure he takes pictures AND e-mail them on time. Yeah that's pretty much it.

*whooooot not in the F CLUB*

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