Wednesday, November 28, 2012

1 Page Notes: Introduction to Street Art

link of article:

An Introduction to Street Art
most honest&true to life style of photography

- "holding a mirror up to society" capturing single human moments, little things people pass by without thinking twice

- does not have to be captured at a street
-public settings: clubs, parks, malls, office buildings, schools, etc any place people gather

-viewers think they're a part of the scene, not just a mere observer (achieve using wide angle lens 12mm-50mm) any lrgr would detract viewer from scene, voyeuristic feel

- get close to subjects:personal space (1ft- few feet away)
- people have better tolerance for violation of space in crowded setting

-tells a story within a single frame
- look for irony in situations to create powerful imgs

- perspectives of walking down crowded stairs
- close up, personal photo of officer
- making sandwiches @ deli during busy lunch time
- active protestor
- street performer entertaining tourists

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