Wednesday, August 29, 2012

Written Assignment: Digital Photography Notes

Digital Photography

-          Electronic photodetectors capture img focus by lens
-          Can be created non-photographically
·         Computer tomography, scanners, radio telescope
-          Img sensors read light intensity
·         charge-coupled devices
-          Digital memory devices store digital img info as RGB color space/raw data
-          Take pics, also store sound and video; video tapes have same functionality as dig cams
-          Factors of quality
·         Pixel count: manuf advertise b/c consumers can easily compare
·         Processing system: turn raw data -> color-balanced and pleasing; 4+ megapixels perform better than higher-end
-          Lens quality: resolution, distortion, dispersion
-          Capture medium: CMOS, CCD, negative film, reversal film, etc
-          Capture format: pixel ct, dig file type
-          Processing: digital and/or chem processing of negative and print
-          Pixel  Count
·         Difficult to compare resolutions based on megapixel ratings
·         Incr detail in resolution- compare by looking # of pixels across(down) pic instead of total # of pixels in area
-          Dynamic range- range of luminosity that can be reproduced accurately; highlights/shadows
·         DCams can show blown highlights in img review, so photographer can re-shoot w/ modif exposure
-          Storage using memory card or flash memory
·         SD format
·         XQD card format latest form
·         Modern DCam internal memory for ltd capacity for pics transferred to or from card
-          Convenience
·         Amateurs able to send imgs by email, place online, display digital pic frames
·         Flexibility, lower long-term costs outweigh initial price disadvtgs;  capital cost vs film photography- require continuous expend of funds
·         Editing capabilities on comps; color-balance, mainp imgs

-          (Digital vs Film) Advantages
·         Elim need to purchase photog film, save $
·         Every DCam has video mode, HD capability
-          (DigitalvsFilm) Disadvantages
·         Sensor size smaller on consumer-lvl than expensive/professional cams
·         Long delay b/w shutter release button pushed and actually taken
·         Video mode poor focus in low-light situations
·         Img capability doesn’t function as subject is filmed
-          Img noise/grain:  dcam noise similar to film grain; @ high ISO lvls, grain/noise is more apparent in final img
-          Speed of use: start up times under ¼ seconds
-          Color reproduction:  diff films&sensors have diff color sensitivity; color space

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