Wednesday, August 29, 2012

Written Assignment: Digital Photography Notes

Digital Photography

-          Electronic photodetectors capture img focus by lens
-          Can be created non-photographically
·         Computer tomography, scanners, radio telescope
-          Img sensors read light intensity
·         charge-coupled devices
-          Digital memory devices store digital img info as RGB color space/raw data
-          Take pics, also store sound and video; video tapes have same functionality as dig cams
-          Factors of quality
·         Pixel count: manuf advertise b/c consumers can easily compare
·         Processing system: turn raw data -> color-balanced and pleasing; 4+ megapixels perform better than higher-end
-          Lens quality: resolution, distortion, dispersion
-          Capture medium: CMOS, CCD, negative film, reversal film, etc
-          Capture format: pixel ct, dig file type
-          Processing: digital and/or chem processing of negative and print
-          Pixel  Count
·         Difficult to compare resolutions based on megapixel ratings
·         Incr detail in resolution- compare by looking # of pixels across(down) pic instead of total # of pixels in area
-          Dynamic range- range of luminosity that can be reproduced accurately; highlights/shadows
·         DCams can show blown highlights in img review, so photographer can re-shoot w/ modif exposure
-          Storage using memory card or flash memory
·         SD format
·         XQD card format latest form
·         Modern DCam internal memory for ltd capacity for pics transferred to or from card
-          Convenience
·         Amateurs able to send imgs by email, place online, display digital pic frames
·         Flexibility, lower long-term costs outweigh initial price disadvtgs;  capital cost vs film photography- require continuous expend of funds
·         Editing capabilities on comps; color-balance, mainp imgs

-          (Digital vs Film) Advantages
·         Elim need to purchase photog film, save $
·         Every DCam has video mode, HD capability
-          (DigitalvsFilm) Disadvantages
·         Sensor size smaller on consumer-lvl than expensive/professional cams
·         Long delay b/w shutter release button pushed and actually taken
·         Video mode poor focus in low-light situations
·         Img capability doesn’t function as subject is filmed
-          Img noise/grain:  dcam noise similar to film grain; @ high ISO lvls, grain/noise is more apparent in final img
-          Speed of use: start up times under ¼ seconds
-          Color reproduction:  diff films&sensors have diff color sensitivity; color space

Wednesday, August 15, 2012

DeviantArt (3) Review

I enjoy baking and eating sweets and pastries on my spare time and this photo made me crave a fruity dessert. The food is presented very nicely and made my mouth water. The colors and the lighting give the photo a summery feel.  Elements of the recipe are usually incorporated to the picture, in this case, the strawberry and raspberry. It’s a simple background, but the tiramisu gives it a nice ‘flavor.’

I really enjoyed the popular tale of ‘Alice in Wonderland.’ I thought that this picture was really cute and whimsical. There’s plenty going on, from the cluttered table to the bizarre wallpaper, and it adds a lot of color to the photo. Her facial expression makes her look like a porcelain doll in a doll house. The photo is supposed to capture Alice during a scene from the Mad Tea Party.  This picture accurately depicts the madness that happened to Alice in her magical trip to Wonderland.

Another picture of a theme from Alice in Wonderland. The photographer was trying to portray “Through the Looking Glass,” the sequel to the story, where Alice goes to a place that is a mirror image of Wonderland, hence the usage of the frame. The angle of the water’s surface gives it an unusual, but striking view. This photo is simple, yet elegant, in its own way. The image brings an entirely new perspective of surreal beauty to Lewis Caroll’s popular tale.


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Monday, August 13, 2012

Kodak Article: Food Photography

  Kodak Article: Food Photography
Tips on how to take delicious pictures of food:
Timing: Make sure to take the pictures as soon as possible, because most foods tend to melt, dry, shift, sag off
Have the presentation objects (napkins,flowers) set up before hand
Table Setting: Professional and realistic, but doesn’t take attention away from the food
Composition: zoom in and keep everything in focus-use a tripod; eliminate background distractions
Focus on certain area of the dish, background out of focus/blurred (depth of field)
Show off table setting with food as a highlight
Lighting:Natural light; near an open window
If natural light isn’t available, use bounce light
Editing: Adjust contrast, brightness, crop, touch up, etc…

London Closing Ceremony

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Friday, August 3, 2012

Photo Essay Aug 3, 2012

The subject of the photo is a German Shepherd running in a field. To capture objects in motion, a fast shutter speed is selected to obtain the sharpest image possible. The picture has a slight "camera shake," as evidenced by the slight blur around the dog's body. Camera shakes occur when the camera is being held by hand. To prevent any blurriness the camera should be mounted on a tripod. Aperture is important to set things in or out of focus. This photo is taken outside and depending on the brightness the setting for aperture can range from f/8-f/11. The grass in the background is shown to be out of focus, a large aperture is used to restrict the depth of field. The lens used in the photo is a normal lens where the layers look similar to the human eye.

Photo Assignment: Food 8/3

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